IEEE BigMM invites contributions from undergraduate/graduate researchers for the Student Consortium. Only undergraduate/graduate students currently enrolled at some institute are eligible to submit papers to the undergraduate/graduate consortium, respectively. The student consortium will be an ideal forum for undergraduate/graduate students to present their research work/ideas and receive valuable feedback from experts in the field of Multimedia Big Data. The detailed topics are listed in the general call for papers at
Submissions will be accepted based on the feedback provided by the Student Consortium chairs and potentially other reviewers. Selection preference will be given to the candidates who have a concrete topic and research approach. For students who are towards the end of their candidacy, experimental results can be an additional selection criterion. We encourage participation from all undergraduate, master, and PhD students to respective student consortium tracks (undergraduate or graduate consortium).
Submission Instruction
All applicants to the Student Consortium must submit their research papers (not exceeding 4 pages of content and maximum of two pages of references) and an additional pdf document as supplementary material consisting of:
1) A one-page document mentioning your full name, your contact details (address, email and phone number), affiliation, enrolment year to course, expected graduation date, the full name of the research advisor, contact details of the advisor (title, affiliation, address, email)
2) A two page CV highlighting the education, research and employment experiences and a list of relevant publications.
3) A one-page recommendation letter from your advisor mentioning the current status of your research, how well you are progressing towards the research goals, your important achievements and how this program will help in your future research.
Your research paper should highlight the following.
• important research questions that are being and/or will be investigated
• important and relevant related work
• proposed research plans/solutions
• summary of anticipated research contributions/obtained results
Check submission instructions at for more details.
You may also contact Student Consortium Co-chairs at the following email id:
Deepak Gangadharan deepak[dot]g[at]iiit[dot]ac[dot]in
Yifang Yin yifang[at]comp[dot]nus[dot]edu[dot]sg
Important Dates
Paper Submission: May 15, 2020 June 8, 2020
Paper Notification: June 15, 2020 July 6, 2020
Consortium Date: September 26, 2020