IEEE BigMM is hosting a grand data challenge on MeToo event to bring together interdisciplinary novel research focused on improving the social space for the members of the community. The focus area for this year is improving social AI for members of marginalized communities. In order to achieve this, we invite members of the scientific community to work on a relevant dataset focused on multimodal aspects of the MeToo social movement. The MeToo movement has been described as an essential development against sexual misconduct by many feminists, politicians, and activists. It is one of the prime examples of successful digital activism facilitated by social media platforms. The movement generated conversations on stigmatized issues like sexual abuse and violence, which were not discussed often because of shame or retaliation. This creates an opportunity for researchers to understand how people express their opinions in an informal social setting. We invite novel research that provides a deeper understanding of different facets surrounding the social movement. The proposed ideas involve but are not limited to: building computational models for the understanding of various stances associated with the movement, theories/ insights into information and language abuse involving members of marginalized sections.
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The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020 brings you a fake news detection task, called Spot Fake. The increase in proliferation of fake content in the environment is disrupting the lives of human beings in many ways. This calls for an immediate solution. So in this problem, we are giving you a set of news articles with associated images and the task is to detect fake news taking into account both the modalities.
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Touchless Technologies
IEEE BigMM is hosting a grand challenge to bring together interdisciplinary novel research focused on improving the social space for the members of the community. Inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is spreading rapidly primarily through touch, the theme of this year’s challenge focuses on touchless technologies. In particular, the challenge focuses on lipreading and touchless typing technologies.
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